Community Energy London (CEL)

Press Release


DATE: Tuesday 23 January 2024 

CEL welcomes new Environment Committee Report on Community Energy

  • Community Energy London (CEL) has welcomed the findings of a study by the London Assembly Environment Committee into Community Energy

  • The Committee highlights that “Community energy is a crucial part of the energy picture if the UK is to have any chance of meeting net zero and seriously addressing the climate emergency”

  • The report makes eight recommendations to support further take up on community energy action across the capital

Community Energy London (CEL) has welcomed the findings of a study published today by the London Assembly Environment Committee to examine the potential for community energy to contribute to London’s net-zero targets [1].

The Committee met with London-based community energy groups to better understand the state of the sector in London, the benefits that community energy projects deliver, and to explore routes to accelerate the deployment of further projects across the city. [2]

Syed Ahmed, Chair of Community Energy London, said:

“We greatly welcome the London Assembly Environment Committee’s decision to examine the role that community energy can play in helping deliver London’s sustainability goals. Community energy is growing in London, but we know we are still only scratching the surface in terms of the potential for projects across the city. Support from the Mayor, Sadiq Khan and an increasing number of London boroughs, is helping to ensure that London is at the forefront of community-led climate action.

“We believe we can increase the number of London community energy projects by five fold by the end of this decade – 1,000 projects across the city by 2030. The recommendations set out by the London Assembly Environment Committee, if acted upon, will help ensure that target is achieved.”[3]

CEL approved of the Committee’s recommendations which include:

  • Continuation and expansion of the Mayor’s highly successful London Community Energy Fund (LCEF)

  • Greater support by London boroughs into funding local community energy action

  • Greater training and development of staff within community energy groups and encouraging greater diversity in the sector.

Community Energy organisations are based around a cooperative model, owned and controlled by their members, with a focus on working with local communities to help combat the climate and energy crisis. Groups deliver projects which:

  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions

  • Re-connect people with how energy is generated and consumed – supporting wider behaviour change

  • Tackle fuel poverty, and

  • Return benefits to the local economy.


Notes to editors

  1. Community Energy London Assembly Environment Committee can be accessed here.

  2. Further information on the Committee’s inquiry into Community Energy can be seen on CEL’s website here and here

  3. CEL’s Projects Map provides details of existing schemes across the city. CEL’s 2023 Vision for Community Energy in London sets out our plan for 1,000 projects across the city. CEL’s Potential Map identifies over 10,000 sites across London where community energy projects could be developed

  4. Community energy encompasses projects with a range of aims such as generating energy, reducing energy use, managing energy and purchasing energy. It includes diverse activities such as installing solar panels on public buildings, working in neighbourhoods to help residents make their homes more energy efficient, and delivering energy advice cafes.

  5. Community Energy London (CEL) was formed in 2017 and is a non-profit membership organisation of groups with an interest in supporting the development of community energy projects across the capital.

CEL provides a route for groups to link up and share experiences, resources, best practice and skills gained through the development and delivery of their projects. CEL also actively campaigns policy makers, industry and wider stakeholders on the benefits for community energy and worked closely with the Mayor of London in helping establish the London Community Energy Fund in October 2017.

Details of CEL’s members can be found at

For further information contact Syed Ahmed, CEL Chair on:

[email protected]

Tel: 07941 036526

or CEL’s Coordinator Katherine Linsley on:

[email protected]