Each month, usually 6-8pm on the last Thursday, CEL holds an open meeting to discuss a range of topics including updates from CEL, our members, the Greater London Authority and Community Energy England. We often invite external speakers to come along, broadening our knowledge base and increasing connections with like-minded organisations. We may also we host training sessions to increase skill capacity among our members; for example, we recently had two members host a brilliant LED audit workshop.
We believe community energy is better and stronger together so please do come along and join us, new faces are encouraged and welcome.
If you have any suggestions for speakers or topics to be discussed please email CEL’s coordinator: [email protected].
Monthly Meeting Minutes
Check out the minutes from our previous monthly meetings!
The Future of Community Energy in London – CEL Conference 2024 CEL September Monthly Meeting Slides Southwark Community Energy Fund – CEL presentation Here Technologies Demonstration Presentation by EJ Allen – Action Sustainability Consultant Heat Pump Presentations on YouTube CEL November/December Meeting Slides CEL September Minutes CEL Monthly Meeting Minutes 26/05/2022 Opportunities for Community Energy Heat Pump Retrofit in London Presentation CEL Monthly Meeting Minutes 28/04/2022 CEL Monthly Meeting Minutes 28/04/2022“>CEL April Meeting Slides CEL Monthly Meeting Minutes 31/03/2022
CEL Monthly Meeting Minutes 24/02/2022 Community Energy and LAD3/HUG1 with SELCE and RetrofitWorks CEL Monthly Meeting Minutes 30/09/21 CEL Monthly Meeting Minutes 29/07/21 CEL Monthly Meeting Minutes 30/06/21
CEL Monthly Meeting Minutes 26/11/20 (to be added)