Ways To Join:
Community Energy London provides the space for individuals, voluntary groups and businesses to share knowledge and enthusiasm for reducing energy waste, increasing London renewables and helping Londoners who are struggling to keep warm.
You can join us as a Member Group, Supporter or Sponsor. This status means you will be part of a growing movement of organisations and individuals who are working for a common cause to mitigate climate damage.
These categories of membership are explained in detail below.
Become a Member Group
Community Energy London has core ‘Community Energy Member Groups’, which have a strong association with London, with the primary aim of at least one of:
- Delivering low carbon energy systems
- Promoting environmental awareness, carbon reduction and energy efficiency
- Tackling fuel poverty

CEL also has a growing number of ‘General Community Groups’ which have impressive primary purposes – such as community centres, places of worship, academic institutions, heritage, growing, friends of …. etc. Increasingly these groups are wanting to do what they can to address the climate crisis and are keen to install solar panels, provide energy advice etc as well. It is helpful to understand our members, so these are identified and have slightly different benefits.
Both member group types will have 1 vote at meetings, be charged £1 to join and may have any formal status or none.
Commercial companies, that are there for profit, and all staff are paid, should not be in the Community Member Group categories, but can be sponsors or supporters – see below for more on this.
Benefits for all Member Groups:
- Influence through one vote in AGMs and meetings and right for a members to stand as a Director
- Being offered opportunities, such as grants through CEL to help fund their work. These opportunities may be different for Community Energy Groups and General Community Groups as appropriate.
- Being connected to a vibrant network
- Support from CEL in your energy activities
- Opportunity to present at CEL meetings
- Opportunity to include content, events, and info in CEL newsletters
- A small space on the CEL website to explain your key activities, with links to your website
- Opportunity to meet commercial companies and Government and Local Authorities in the energy sector
- Opportunity to include content, events, and info in CEL newsletters
- Tweeting from the CEL twitter account on demand (with notice) about your group
- Organisation listing in the CEL Member Groups page
- Knowing that you are supporting Community Energy London
Sponsors and Supporters
You may be a commercial company, local authority, academic institution or an individual.
A Sponsor is one who is looking to donate a significant sum to CEL, whereas a Supporter would be looking to donate a smaller, but much appreciated, sum.
Benefits for Sponsors:
- Opportunity to present at CEL meetings
- Opportunity to sponsor CEL events
- Advertise through printed materials at CEL events
- Opportunity to include content, events, and info in CEL newsletters
- Opportunity to meet potential customers in our member groups
- Organisation and logo listing in Sponsors’ Directory with a link to their website
- A dedicated page on the CEL website which explains your key activities, with links to your website
- Opportunity to link with research candidates
- Knowing that you are supporting Community Energy London

Benefits for Supporters
- Keeping in touch with Community Groups concerned with energy, and current activities
- Organisation and logo listing in Supporters’ Directory with a link to their website
- Opportunity to meet potential customers in our member groups
- Knowing that you are supporting Community Energy London
Individual subscribers to the CEL mailing list are not voting ‘members’ but are very welcome to engage and support us. If you’re an individual who isn’t yet part of a group, or belongs to an organisation that has just joined us and you want to get involved, or your organisation isn’t ready for membership, please still join us by subscribing to our mailing list to hear about our news, events and more!
We particularly like to know who belongs to one of our member groups when you sign up so we can keep you in the loop about member matters.
Benefits for Individuals
- Regular updates, newsletters and notifications via mailing list
- Opportunity to help expand the Community Energy work in London
- Opportunity to learn about Community Energy and take the message back to your organisation