Recap of March’s in-person meeting

April 2nd, 2024|

Thank you to everyone who joined us last week - especially considering that it was the night before the four-day weekend. It was great to see so many of you and a big thank you to all of our wonderful speakers and Jason Pritchard for organising the venue for

Hackney Community Energy Fund Launch Round 2

November 23rd, 2023|

This morning Community Energy London (CEL) attended the launch of the second round of Hackney Council's Community Energy Fund. Hackney's newly elected Mayor Caroline Woodley and Councillor Mete Coban welcomed the new scheme followed by presentations from Jason Powell, Hackney Light & Power on the outcomes from round one

CEL at Connecting Communities 2023

October 3rd, 2023|

Coop News provides a great round up of CEL's Chair Syed Ahmed comments during his presentation at Community Energy England's Summer Conference 'Connecting Communities' held at the Coram Centre in London. 29 September 2023

Study Launch: A Vision For Community Energy In London

March 17th, 2023|

In association with the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Community Energy, CEL hosted an event on Thursday 16th March in Parliament to launch their vision for the sector by 2030 with the aim of establishing 1000 community energy projects across the city by the end of this decade. 

Local Authority Community Energy Funds

December 8th, 2022|

Local Authority Community Energy Funds On Wednesday 7th December 2022 Community Energy London held a workshop for Local Authorities on the topic of Local Authority Community Energy Funds.  This event provided valuable information for local authority officers looking to engage with community-led energy projects within their authorities.

Community Energy Potential Map Launch

December 4th, 2022|

Community Energy Potential Map Launch CEL Project Officer Tim Minshall launched our brand new Community Energy London Potential Map in beta mode during November/December's monthly meeting. The recording can be found on our YouTube page by clicking on this link or below. Tim's presentation can be accessed here. The map