Community Energy in a Climate Emergency

CEL have prepared this major report which reviews all London borough climate plans (produced to date) and examines actions undertaken to support community-related climate activities across a range of areas, but particularly those supporting community energy.

This report explores how councils are planning to engage with residents in delivering borough-wide climate action and to highlight the policies that support, either directly or indirectly, community groups.

The intended audience of this report includes:

  • Council officers and Councillors interested in how their strategies compare to other boroughs in promoting community-led climate action;
  • For community groups with an interest in talking to their local council about developing a climate focused project; and to
  • Londoners interested in better understanding how their council is intending to achieve its climate emergency target, and how they can play an active role in supporting this.

This is an evolving area of work and this report is snapshot of where London is at in mid-2021 but at its core it is seeking to ensure opportunities for councils and community energy groups to work together to respond to the climate emergency are fully explored.

Download: Community Energy in a Climate Emergency: Community Engagement in London Council Climate Plans

We have created a webpage for this work – which will have links to all London borough climate plans issued.