Next Generation fund, Nov 2018 – Jan 2019



An exciting new funding stream will soon be available through the Next Generation fund, which will provide grants of up to £100,000 to ten community energy groups to work on new business models for community energy in their area. Power to Change will hold two application rounds, one in winter 2018 and one in early 2019, and award funding and support to five community groups per round.

Interested groups are invited to submit their expressions of interest until midnight on Sunday 13 January 2019.

In the Expression of interest form, applicants will be required to describe their achievements and projects to date and the experience, skills and assets they have at their disposal. They will also be asked to indicate the types of community energy business models they wish to explore.

Shortlisted groups will need to attend an interview in the week beginning 28 January. The selected groups will be notified in early February, and will move on to Stage 2, the ‘Partnership Phase’.

Please note: A second Expression of Interest stage will open in March 2019. Selection dates for the second cohort will be finalised in the coming weeks
